trust me, vote for me and i'll keep ya happy :)

no don't trust me.
don't ever trust me.
yknow me, well, i'm a liar.
haha. those were the exact words that came out of top's mouth.
but still, i mean it too.

hampir terlupa :)
dah dah, let's leave all that liar nonsense at that.

i just wanna brag a lil bout myself. hehe.
so, i'm, the setiausaha of dang anum now. green house. of my school. the sports house. y'get me, right?
oh yeah. 
i won by majority kot. bangga seyh! :P

heh. rasanya the form ones didn't even know me.
they just voted for me cause the form fives are voting for me. aaahhhhh, love my friends :)

so, that's it.
datang nak bangga bangga pasal tu je. hihihihihihihi *evil laugh*

and burn was the ketua bola baling. i was like sayy whaaatt??
haha. burn. bola baling? haha. i'm practically laughing my ass off right now.
a lil shout out to burn now.
"yo burn. harap harap tangan kau cukup lah kuat seperti yg dikatakan khai :P"

oh oh. elya was the captain of dang anum.
that was a shocker!
dia tak di-nominate-kan pun. i'm the setiausaha yg kena write down nama pun terkejut.
haha. i was like, tipulahhh. and she was like, betullah. cikgu pilih saya! i was still like, tipulahhh. and she was kinda pissed. 
now, a lil shout out to elya.
"haha. sorry lah elya. cubalah tanya satu sekolah tu, gerenti semua terkejut. still, i'm wishing you the best in leading dang anum. bak kata kau, when i say DANG ANUM, you say, BOLEH! when i say DANG ANUM, you say, JUARA! have fun, okay. tak sangka kau ni bersemangat. memang haha lah!"

so, let's us all dang anum's out there do our best this year. DANG ANUM, YEAH!


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