
It’s your birthday, love!
I wished, as the clock strikes midnight
I even bought cakes, and had it with my housemates
Cause i couldn’t be there with you, and celebrate this together

But nothing from you
The message left silent
Insta left seen
Phone not buzzing
I extended them limits, just to make sure, that your replies weren’t held back by the system
Silly me, there was none to begin with anyways

I told them we talked
I told them we texted for a bit
But that ain’t the truth
Cause you weren’t there, at the other end of the line
I was talking to myself

I don’t know what’s going on
Did you have some sort of bad experiences with birthdays
Do they remind you of her?
You told me before that you celebrated 3 of yours with her
Maybe i can’t be that huh?
I can’t take her place, replacing all the shit she’d do for you, cause that’s hers
Yesterday, now, tomorrow
They’re hers.

Entahlah sayang.
I don’t know what i was expecting tonight.
But it wasn’t that.
It wasn’t nothing.


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