The anniversary
It was nice. We had a staycation in subang, stayed at The Saujana for 2 nights.
I did consider parting ways that weekend, and he probably sensed it cause tiba tiba i received his apology, just before the anniversary.
He was sorry for his behaviour, for being distant. Well, how should i react to this?
I just acknowledged it lah, both his error and the apology. I would usually say it’s okay when people apologise to me, cause everything is in the past anyways. Tapi this time i wanted him to know that his actions did hurt me. I didn’t want to just brush things off.
It got me thinking though? Why the sudden apology? I usually pray to god, kalau betul dia jodoh i can He make it easier for us. I don’t know? Is this it? The answer to my prayers?
I am genuinely curious. Sebab I didn’t say anything, I didn’t even show any displeasure to him. He knew his place all on his own.
So i used the nights we had together to voiced out my concerns. This was not our first intervention. We had this before, but i don’t know if things would change ke tidak? Kalau nak seribu daya, taknak seribu dalih kan? Truthfully, he didn’t change much after the first serious talk. I really hope this time he put in efforts to make things work.
That was in October, the anniversary. It is now December. 3 months since we made a pact to contact each other once a week on Fridays. Currently he is still keeping up with it.
It is the bare minimum, really. Even ldr couples get more contact than me lol.
Anyways, I am happy for this small improvement. I feel genuinely secure of our current relationship situation, and most importantly have so much love for this man.
Things may change though, i know. It’s a matter of time before he retreats into his cave again. He likes to do that, bila ada problem, he distance himself from everyone and disappears sekejap. It’s covid season and all sorts of trouble may come our way, so harapnya we stay strong throughout whatever’s coming for us.
I love you, sayang. Please stay invested in us. xx.
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